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Ethical and Professional Practice Policies


All clients have the right to receive an ethical and professional counselling service. Limestone Counselling is committed to the Australian Counselling Association Code of Ethics & Practice. This document is available in the office and online here


Clients are encouraged to discuss any ethical concerns with the counsellor and ask questions. Practices and policies are outlined at the beginning of the first session, and revisited as required. The consent form provided at the first session outlines practices and policies, and requests the client’s consent to counselling therapy and associated correspondence. 



Client information and session notes are kept confidential and securely stored. Session notes are de-identified and stored separately from client contact details. There are exceptions to confidentiality under a counsellor’s legal and ethical duty of care requirements. Exceptions include; if there is reason to believe the client or someone else may be harmed or be at risk of harm; if there is reason to believe a crime has been or may be committed; or if the information is requested via a court subpoena. These exceptions are outlined in the Australian Counselling Association Code of Ethics & Practice. The counselling room is secure and private with soundproofing.  Please see the Privacy Policy (page bottom) for more about ethical use of client information.


Access to information

Clients have the right to request access to their session notes and to have knowledge about the counsellor’s qualifications and experience.


Quality of Service

Counsellors are responsible for committing to evidence-based practice, for operating within their expertise and experience, and for engaging in ongoing training and supervision. Service may be terminated by the client or counsellor if either party believes that the counselling relationship is not appropriate for the client’s needs. Personal handover to another professional is offered as needed.




Payment is due at the time of the session. Non-payment will result in terminated service.


NDIS clients are charged as per the current NDIS Price Guide. Plan/agency-managed or NDIS-managed NDIS clients will receive a separate Service Agreement detailing costs and invoicing. 


Payment may be made by

  • cash (if using correct change please)

  • EFTPOS with credit/debit card

  • credit/debit card over the phone

  • direct bank transfer


Appointment reminders and cancellations


Appointment reminders are sent 4 days prior to appointments. Cancellations should be made with more than 48 hours’ notice, so that appointments may be offered to someone else in need. Non-attendance without notification or cancellations within 48 hours may result in pre-payment being required for future appointments.


Full fees are charged for NDIS appointments cancelled with less than 48 hours notice, as per the Service Agreement and Price Guide.


Infection Control


COVID-19 and Influenza vaccinations received * COVID-19 government infection control training completed

COVID-Safe Business Checklist in practice and available on request * All government guidelines adhered to in the event of local outbreaks



Kim Johnston

BA(Psyc), PGDipEd, PGDipCouns, M.A.C.A.

Registered Counsellor


Registered business with full insurance

ABN #65024758350

©2021 Limestone Counselling

Website by Marker Enterprises

Limestone Counselling
Suite 4, 17 Limestone Street
Ipswich, QLD 4305


Phone: (07) 3050 0778




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